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Hummingbirds(蜂鸟)are the smallest birds in the world.One kind of hummingbird is only two inches(英寸)long.It is also as light as a penny(便士).A hummingbird is very fast.It can fly straight up and down.It can even fly backwards(倒着飞).The wings of a hummingbird move very quickly.You can’t see them move.But you can hear them.The wings make a humming(嗡嗡声)sound.That is why we call the litttle bird a hummingbird.根据短文内容,完成下列各题,每空一词.1.A hummingbird is only▁▁ ▁▁long.2.We can only▁▁the wings sound but can’▁▁them move.3.It can fly straight up and▁▁,and also can fly▁▁.
1. two inches 2.hear、see 3.down、backwards