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Shangri-La [xiāng gé lǐ lā] is located in the northwest of Yunnan Province.As "Shangri-La" the hinterland tourist routes.Dali,Yunnan-Tibet Highway from the north along the 315 km,up to Diqing Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture center of Zhongdian county town,659 km from Kunming,up to 50 minutes by plane.Diqing,Tibetan means "the place good luck." As the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is located in the southeast edge of the northern end of the southern mountain range,"Three Rivers" in the hinterland,to form a unique melting snow,canyons,grasslands,alpine lakes,forests and national style of landscape as a whole,for the multi-functional tourism scenic spots.Within scenic rolling peaks,
Yunnan Kage Bo Feng,majestic peak,only Zhongdian County,elevation 4,000 meters above the snow on the vertical and horizontal up to 470 deep gorge,the most famous are the Jinsha River Tiger Leaping Gorge,Lancang River Canyon Grand Canyon,then there is vast alpine grassland pastures,vast virgin forests and dotted with alpine lakes,so that the natural landscape magic Diqing steep but quiet scenery.Shangri-La Tibetan means "the sun and the moon in mind," SHANGRI-LA's Chinese and English transliteration,English pronunciation is derived from the hinterland of the Tibetan dialect Shangri-La.Live here,Tibetan,Lisu,Han,
Naxi,Yi,Bai,Hui and other kinds of 13 people,their unity,in the way of life,clothing,residential construction and the traditional customs of Marriage,have maintained their national identity,the formation of the unique customs of each nation."Shangri-La" is to the American novelist James Hilton in 1933 (James Hilton) in the novel "Lost Horizon" ("Lost Horizon") described in an eternal peace and tranquility of the land.Is a valley with peaks,majestic and mysterious temple was surrounded by quiet forest lakes,grasslands and cattle and sheep flocks of the beautiful sanctuary.
The Diqing is indistinguishable from the original owner of the James Hilton (James Hilton) The book's descriptions of everything,even more coincidentally,the "Shangri-La",which is Diqing Zhongdian,Tibetan for "Shangri la" meaning,It is the ideal living environment for Tibetans and to the still high level.Diqing plateau is that people looking for a half-century of "Shangri-La." Shangri-La Shangri-La's Travel Tips # Snow Song Zhi,vast grasslands,deep valleys,desolate Cha Ma Ancient Road and West of the many wonders of Men Guan Great Rift Valley are the color positions in the landscape to its absolute yarn
Chang visitors open arms,deep in the mountains,in the heart of the grasslands,woodlands in the Bita Lake,are all Lake,Napa Lake and so many quiet and peaceful Shensui mysterious mountain lake they call people to put aside the veil of beauty.Meili Snow Mountain is the essence of Shangri-La,Meili Snow Mountain Village,the essence of the rain collapse.Note 1,except from May to July and from September to October,the rainy season Diqing bad road conditions,not conducive to travel,winter temperatures are too low,if it rains,then go home but to wait until that is.Go after the bad snow mountain,waiting for the snow,more is a matter that requires patience and time.2,do not rush to Diqing during the Spring Festival,because the outdoor temperature will be a few days -3-8
℃,indoor heating equipment,if not 1-9 ℃.Even lower temperatures at night,outdoor temperature of -7 ℃,room to -1 ℃.In addition to low temperature,the street and cars are pitifully small,icy roads make drivers daunting.3,to bring the proposed Diqing jackets,down jackets,gloves,non-slip boots.With dry climate,strong ultraviolet radiation,President should be prepared sunscreen,hats,sunglasses,especially after the visit in October to bring enough warm clothing even more.4,by the Old Town of Lijiang Naxi net inn,took the contact of pure play-quality outdoor rain Meri collapse line.5,each year in June to September is the rainy season Diqing plateau,the plateau weather and more
Change,you can bring a few plastic bags (or shower cap),when every rain cover on the camera,but also rain and dust-proof,you can also protect the equipment.Accommodation tent in the grasslands in summer,be sure to fuel bonfires.6,Diqing is a high altitude (3,300 m),strenuous exercise is not appropriate,not drinking alcohol,eat more vegetables,fruits,to prevent altitude sickness

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