早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
《雾都孤儿》中表现南希宿命观的一段话 英文原话,当时露西要让南希离开贼窝 ,但是南希说即使被赛克斯打死
也不会离开他 求那一段
也不会离开他 求那一段
'I wish to go back,' said the girl.'I must go back,because--how can
I tell such things to an innocent lady like you?--because among the men
I have told you of,there is one:the most desperate among them all;
that I can't leave:no,not even to be saved from the life I am
leading now.'
'Lady,' cried the girl,sinking on her knees,'dear,sweet,angel lady,
you _are_ the first that ever blessed me with such words as these,and
if I had heard them years ago,they might have turned me from a life of
sin and sorrow; but it is too late,it is too late!'
'I cannot leave
him now!I could not be his death.'
'I don't know what it is,' answered the girl; 'I only know that it is
so,and not with me alone,but with hundreds of others as bad and
wretched as myself.I must go back.Whether it is God's wrath for the
wrong I have done,I do not know; but I am drawn back to him through
every suffering and ill usage; and I should be,I believe,if I knew
that I was to die by his hand at last.'
'When ladies as young,and good,and beautiful as you are,' replied the
girl steadily,'give away your hearts,love will carry you all
lengths--even such as you,who have home,friends,other admirers,
everything,to fill them.When such as I,who have no certain roof but
the coffinlid,and no friend in sickness or death but the hospital
nurse,set our rotten hearts on any man,and let him fill the place
that has been a blank through all our wretched lives,who can hope to
cure us?Pity us,lady--pity us for having only one feeling of the
woman left,and for having that turned,by a heavy judgment,from a
comfort and a pride,into a new means of violence and suffering.'
I tell such things to an innocent lady like you?--because among the men
I have told you of,there is one:the most desperate among them all;
that I can't leave:no,not even to be saved from the life I am
leading now.'
'Lady,' cried the girl,sinking on her knees,'dear,sweet,angel lady,
you _are_ the first that ever blessed me with such words as these,and
if I had heard them years ago,they might have turned me from a life of
sin and sorrow; but it is too late,it is too late!'
'I cannot leave
him now!I could not be his death.'
'I don't know what it is,' answered the girl; 'I only know that it is
so,and not with me alone,but with hundreds of others as bad and
wretched as myself.I must go back.Whether it is God's wrath for the
wrong I have done,I do not know; but I am drawn back to him through
every suffering and ill usage; and I should be,I believe,if I knew
that I was to die by his hand at last.'
'When ladies as young,and good,and beautiful as you are,' replied the
girl steadily,'give away your hearts,love will carry you all
lengths--even such as you,who have home,friends,other admirers,
everything,to fill them.When such as I,who have no certain roof but
the coffinlid,and no friend in sickness or death but the hospital
nurse,set our rotten hearts on any man,and let him fill the place
that has been a blank through all our wretched lives,who can hope to
cure us?Pity us,lady--pity us for having only one feeling of the
woman left,and for having that turned,by a heavy judgment,from a
comfort and a pride,into a new means of violence and suffering.'
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