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Amy and Mark Blaubach were very excited about adopting a child from an orphanage (孤儿院). They thought they would adopt a baby girl. After waiting one and a half years the social worker asked them to consider adopting a six-year-old boy named Jerry.
After the adoption papers were signed Amy asked if Jerry had a good friend at the orphanage. Jerry said his best friend was Zack. That was the first time that Amy heard about Zack.
Then Jerry went to his new home with Amy and Mark where he lived happily and adjusted very well. However Jerry kept talking about his best friend that he had left behind at the orphanage. So Amy became determined to try and find out more about Zack.
She came across a database specifically for families who had adopted children from the orphanage where she met Jerry. The database allowed parents to enter their child’s name and his or her adoption information. As Amy looked through the database she found what appeared to be a possible match of her son’s best friend. After sending a new e-mails back and forth Amy was sure to have the right Zack. He had adopted by Rae and Bruce Hostetler two weeks before. To her surprise the two families were living in the same city. Then she decided to give these two friends a special reunion (重逢)
On a sunny Sunday the two boys finally met each other again. When Jerry asked Zack “Do you remember me?” Zack quickly answered “Yes! Let’s go and play!” That led to hours of laughter and play. Rae and Amy were excited to see how well their sons got along and what an amazing bond(联系) they had. Thanks to both families that special bond between Zack and Jerry can continue for the rest of their lives.
  1. 1.
    What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
    1. A.
      Amy and Mark thought they would adopt a baby boy.
    2. B.
      Amy and Mark were unwilling to adopt Jerry.
    3. C.
      Amy had met Zack before he left the orphanage
    4. D.
      Amy knew that Zack and Jerry were good friends.
  2. 2.
    After Jerry left the orphanage ________.
    1. A.
      he wasn’t happy in his new home
    2. B.
      he couldn’t adapt to his new environment
    3. C.
      he missed his friend very much
    4. D.
      he left guilty about leaving his friend behind
  3. 3.
    What can we learn about Zack from the fourth paragraph?
    1. A.
      He was found at the orphanage by Amy.
    2. B.
      He was living in the same city as Jerry.
    3. C.
      He would be adopted by Amy and Mark.
    4. D.
      The boy named Zack in the database wasn’t Jerry’s friend.
  4. 4.
    Which of the following is TURE according to the last paragraph?
    1. A.
      The boys met again at Amy’s home.
    2. B.
      The boys couldn’t get along with each other any longer.
    3. C.
      When they met again the boys didn’t recognize each other at first.
    4. D.
      The boys can keep in touch with each other for the rest of their lives.
  5. 5.
    What is the best title for this text?
    1. A.
      How to Adopt a Child
    2. B.
      Amy and Her Adopted Child
    3. C.
      A Story in an Orphanage
    4. D.
      A Very Special Reunion
BCADD本文讲述了Amy夫妇收养了一个男孩,并帮助男孩找到了他最好的朋友。1.推断题。根据第一段They thought they would adopt a baby girl.可知,他们本来想收养一个女孩。2.推理题。根据Jerry kept talking about his best friend that he had left behind at the orphanage.可知,他非常想念他的朋友。C正确。3.细节题。根据To her surprise the two families were living in the same city.可知,他们住在同一个城市。4.细节判断题。根据最后一段可知,两个男孩再次相见时都能认出彼此,并且相处的很好,所以B、C错误。A项并没有说明在Amy家见面。故D正确。5.概括标题。本文主要讲述了两个分别被收养的好朋友重新团聚的故事。故D最符合本文的标题。

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