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One of the premier medical scientists in the 21st century is Zhong Nanshan.Born in 1941 and graduated from Beijing Medical College,this ordinary but great man has been working in the medical field for over 40 years.He is a good doctor in the patients' eyes and a kind medical professor in his students as well.
In the spring of 2003,the SARS epidemic broke out in China and across the globe.Zhong Nanshan not only led but also took an active part in the battle against SARS.At that time no one really knew much about SARS and most people had no natural defenses against the disease.Dangerous as it was,Zhong Nanshan worked hard day and night treating SARS patients.Meanwhile he underlined the fact that teamwork among nations could save lives.Through their hard work for several months,Zhong Nanshan and his workmates achieved remarkable result.Soon the SARS epidemic was stopped in its track.
看了 求一篇写钟南山抗击非典的英文...的网友还看了以下:

2003年我国科学工作者用基因工程迅速研制出“非典”诊断盒.其作用及机理是()A.治疗“非典”,利  2020-06-22 …

赞颂钟南山的诗句现已74岁的钟南山。曾在抗击非典中主动请缨,无私奉献现已74岁的钟南山。曾在抗击非  2020-07-17 …

修改下一段话在抗击"非典"的特殊时代,广大医护工作者始终战斗在,他们把自己的生死置之肚外,成为人们  2020-08-03 …

2003年7月28日,胡锦涛同志在全国防治非典工作会议上讲话指出,面对突如其来的非典疫情的严峻考验,  2020-11-08 …

成不成比例?我校为了做好预防“非典”工作,特购进一批医用酒精,这批酒精中纯酒精和水()1成正比例2成  2020-11-28 …

材料一2003年4月14日,胡锦涛总书记在广东考察工作时指出,要把防止“非典”工作作为关系改革、发展  2020-12-05 …

2003春季,在中国和其他许多国家都发生了流行性非典型肺炎。非典型肺炎是SARS病毒引起,主要通过飞  2020-12-07 …

非典型肺炎是由于感染SARS病毒引起的传染病.医护人员对“非典”患者进行了全力救治,尽管他们采用穿防  2020-12-07 …

(2003•泸州)在抗击“非典”工作中,某医院研制了一种防治“非典”的新药,在试验药效是发现,如果成  2020-12-22 …

2003年7月28日,胡锦涛同志在全国防治非典工作会议上强调,必须大力弘扬民族精神,不断赋予民族精神  2020-12-28 …