早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
典范英语第17本(Pioneer Girl The story of Laura Ingalls Wilder) Laura was born in Wisconsin, America, on 1867/2/7. He lived in a little log house in the middle of the big woods. There was Pa, Ma, my older sister Mary, and Laura. Jack was one of the important members. Laura loved it very much. The big woods were dangerous. There were bears and panthers out there. It was a wild, wild place. One day, Ma out to find food, but meet a bear! But the bear wasn’t make Ma danger, it was at surprised as they were. In 1869, they left their safe little house to the new lands in the West. But Jack had gone when they were swim crossed the rivers. By the time they camped for the night, and Jack found them. Their rolled at the prairies, and it is a good place to live. One day, Pa gone hunting, two fierce-looking men walked into their house. They had feathers in their hair and stood very still. Ma baked them cornbread. We were all silent. Then they left. Pa told them they were Indians were not our enemies. Some times later, they lived on Plum Creek in a home dug out of bank. And Pa began to grow crops. They had to start school. Now Laura was 7 and she was at school that she met her greatest enemy. In summer, grasshoppers came and ate everything Pa had planted, and he feel was very sad. In winter, terrible blizzards froze them. Ma gave birth to a baby boy-but then he died. Worst of all, Marry was so ill she became blind. One year, the winter was bad. One morning we found the cows with their heads frozen o the ground! They had to be cut free. And it get colder and colder and the snowstorms began. They lasted all day and night. So they moved into a house in town, then into one room of the house in town. When Laura was 15, she became a teacher. Soon she started to write books. She would become books for children to read. 2.Denis Herbstein is a published author. Published credits of Denis Herbstein include Oxford Reading Tree: Stages 10-12: TreeTops True Stories: My Friend, Mandela
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