早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.可能会遇到的困难:语言方面的障碍,饮食的不习惯,想家孤独等; 2.鼓励他并表示愿意帮助他.
注意:1.词数100个左右. 2.信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数.
Dear Chen Li,
I'm glad to hear from you.You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK.
Li Hua.
1.可能会遇到的困难:语言方面的障碍,饮食的不习惯,想家孤独等; 2.鼓励他并表示愿意帮助他.
注意:1.词数100个左右. 2.信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数.
Dear Chen Li,
I'm glad to hear from you.You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK.
Li Hua.
Dear Chen Li,
I'm glad to hear from you.You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK. Now,I'd like to tell you something about it.
First,you may have the problem about the language you think you are well prepared.(高分句型)You may find it difficult to communicate with the natives,because many of them have a strong accent.Besides,you may not get used to the western food here or even hate to have it.What's more,you may feel lonely and miss your family and friends,especially in the very beginning.(高分句型)
However,you needn't worry about it.Several weeks later,you will get used to everything here and love the place,and I'll also try my best to help you when necessary.(高分句型)
Best wishes!
Li Hua
I'm glad to hear from you.You asked me about the difficulties you may meet with when you get here in UK. Now,I'd like to tell you something about it.
First,you may have the problem about the language you think you are well prepared.(高分句型)You may find it difficult to communicate with the natives,because many of them have a strong accent.Besides,you may not get used to the western food here or even hate to have it.What's more,you may feel lonely and miss your family and friends,especially in the very beginning.(高分句型)
However,you needn't worry about it.Several weeks later,you will get used to everything here and love the place,and I'll also try my best to help you when necessary.(高分句型)
Best wishes!
Li Hua
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