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求新概念第一册的28课练习题答案. 28课.Where are they ?它们在哪里? 求下面的B:模仿例写出相应对话.
新概念英语第一册课后书面练习题及答案27-28更新:2010-09-02 09:21 作者:ihome 来源:未知 点击:1664 次  【字号:大 中 小】 Written exercises 书面练习
A Look at these words.
a book----some books; a man----some men; a housewife----some housewives
Rewrite these sentences using There are.
模仿例句改用There are的结构.
There is a book on the desk.
There are some books on the desk.
1 There is a pencil on the desk.
2 There is a knife near that tin.
3 There is a policeman in the kitchen.
4 There is a newspaper in the living room.
5 There is a keyboard operator in the office.
B Write sentence using these words.
(books)/on the dressing table/cigarettes/near that box
Are there any books on the dressing table?
No, there aren't any books on the dressing table.
These are some cigarettes.
Where are they?
They're near that box.
1 (books)/in the room/magazines/on the television
2 (ties)/on the floor/shoes/near the bed
3 (glasses)/on the cupboard/bottles/near those tins
4 (newspapers)/on the shelf/tickets/in that handbag
5 (forks)/on the table/knives/in that box
6 (cups)/on the stereo/glasses/near those bottles
7 (cups)/in the kitchen/plates/on the cooker
8 (glasses)/in the kitchen/bottles/in the refrigerator
9 (books)/in the room/pictures/on the wall
10 (chairs)/in the room/armchairs/near the table
Lesson 28
1 There are some pencils on the desk.2 There are some knives near that tin.
3 There are some policemen in the kitchen.
4 There are some newspapers in the living room.
5 There are some keyboards operators in the office.
1 Are there any books in the room?
No, there aren't any books in the room.
There are some magazines.
Where are they?
They're on the television.
2 Are there any ties on the floor?
No, there aren't any ties on the floor.
There are some shoes.
Where are they?
They're near the bed.
3 Are there any glasses on the cupboard?
No, there aren't any glasses on the cupboard.
There are some bottles.
Where are they?
They're near those tins.
4 Are there any newspapers on the shelf?
No, there aren't any newspapers on the shelf.
There are some tickets.
Where are they?
They're in that handbag.
5 Are there any forks on the table?
No, there aren't any forks on the table.
There are some knives.
Where are they?
They're in that box.6 Are there any cups on the stereo?
No, there aren't any cups on the stereo.
There are some glasses.
Where are they?
They're near those bottles.
7 Are there any cups in the kitchen?
No, there aren't any cups in the kitchen.
There are some plates.
Where are they?
They're on the cooker.
8 Are there any glasses in the kitchen?
No, there aren't any glasses in the kitchen.
There are some bottles.
Where are they?
They're in the refrigerator.
9 Are there any books in the room?
No, there aren't any books in the room.
There are some pictures.
Where are they?
They're on the wall.
10 Are there any chairs in the room?
No, there aren't any chairs in the room.
There are some armchairs.
Where are they?
They're near the table.

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