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The word"plastic"comes from the Greek word"Platicos"and is used to describe (31)___which can be easily shaped
  The history of plastics is longer than you might(32)___In fact(33)___manmade plastics ever to appear on the market was made over a hundred years ago.It was called"celluloid(赛璐璐)".It was discovered by both an Englishman and an American in the same year.(34)___it was the Americans who first produced it on a large scale during the year 1860.Everybody was(35)___ by this new material which could be molded (用模子做) into shapes and(36)___so cheap to buy.
Poor young men(37)___in cities with lots of smoke and dirt were (38)___to buy white celluloid collars(领子).The collars were hard and uncomfortable.But they did not have to be sent to wash.The poor young men(39)___rub them clean every evening with soap and water!Poor mothers,(40)___had not been able to afford playthings(41)___their children,were now able to buy them playthings(42)___of celluloid.But celluloid had one very serious fault.It caught fire very easily.In fact it burned even more quickly than wood or cloth.There were many terrible accidents,particularly(43)___children.For years scientists worked hard to find a better plastic material than celluloid.
    For years scientists worked hard to find a better plastic material than celluloid.They had(44)___ success.Then in 1932 an American scientist called Backland produced a hard plastic material which did not burn.(45)___became known(46)___bakelite(酚醛塑料).Other plastic materials like bakelite were(47)___produced.They(48)___ to make electrical fittings and plates and cups.Poor people liked them because they were both cheap and safe,but rich people(49)___ them because they were cheap,and because they could only be made(50)___dark colors.
31.A.something B.everything C.thing D.anything
32.A.Wish B.Think C.Want D.hope
33.A.Firs t B.at first C.for the first D.the first
34.A.So B.And C.But D.As
35.A.Surprised B.excited C.told D.frightened
36.A.Be B.Were C.was D.is
37.A.waiting B.Running C.Walking D.working
38.A.Going B.About C.able D.Sure 
39.A.could B.ought to C.Must D.should
40.A.Which B.who C.whom D.that
41.A.for B.like C.in D.of
42.A.done B.produced C.Worked D.made
43.A.between B.On C.among D.about
44.A.Much B.Great. C.Never D.little
45.A.The man B.He C.It D.The scientist
46.A.as B.with C.by D.to
47.A.already B.Still C.also D.yet
48.A.used B.Hoped C.were used D.had
49.A.took B.loved C.enjoyed D.disliked
50.A.in B.By C.From D.Of
31-35ABDBB    36-40 CDDAB     41-45 ADCDC    46-50 ACCDA  
31.A考查代词词义  这句话表示"plastic"这个单词最早来源于希腊语"platicos"而且被用来描述那些容易成形的东西.答案为A.
32.B 考查动词词义 塑料的历史要比你所想到的历史长.答案为B.
34.B 考查连词词义这里表示虽然英美两国同年发现,但是美国人率先生产.答案为B.
35.B考查固定用法be excited by"因为…而激动".答案为B.
36.C考查主谓一致 它的主语是"which",而"which"指的是this new material,所以用单数.答案为C.
37.D考查分词作定语working in cities是现在分词短语做后置定语.这里指的是在城市里工作的贫穷的年轻人.答案为D.
38.D考查固定用法be able to表示"能够".答案为D.
39.A   考查情态动词 could表示"能够".答案为A.
40.B  考查定语从句 这是一个非限定性定语从句,who指的是前边提到的poor mothers,在非限定性定语从句中作主语.答案为who.答案为B.
41.A  考查介词用法A表示"为",在这里指的是那些贫穷的母亲不能给孩子们买起玩具.答案为A.
42.D  考查固定用法"made of"表示"由…制成".答案为D.
43.C  考查介词用法"among children"表示"在孩子们当中".答案为C.
44.D  考查代词用法"little success"表示"没有成功".答案为D.
45.C   考查代词用法 It指的是前面所提到"a hard plastic material".答案为C.
46.A考查固定用法"be known as"作为…而著名.答案为A.
47.C  考查副词词义辨析 also表示"也",这里表示其它的塑料材料也被制造了出来.答案为C.
48.C  考查被动语态用法"were used"表示"被用来…".答案为C.
49.D  考查动词词义辨析"dislike"表示"不喜欢",这里表示富人们不喜欢塑料制品.答案为D.
50.A  考查介词词义辨析 in dark colours这里表示"深色,黑色".富人们不喜欢塑料制品,不单单是便宜,而且还制成了黑色,答案为A.