早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


模块2 unit 2 有关问题
1Can you imagine how ____(comfort) it is to travel in such a crowed bus on such a hot day
2She has just arrived and I didnot know she ___ until yesterday
Ahad done Bwill come Cwas coming Dis to come
3The teacher wants to know whether we ________our papers
Ahad handed in Bwould hand in Chave handed in Dare handing in
4He ________in the USA for years ,and is going to stay there till he forty
Ahad been; would be Bhas been ;will be Chad been; was Dhas been; is
1 comfortable 2 C was coming 表示过去的将来 3 C have handed in 4 D has been; is