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So if you find yourself deadlocked with a one-issue negotiation,you should try adding other issues into the mix.Fortunately,usually many more elements than just the one main issue are important in negotiations.The art of win-win negotiating is to piece together those elements like putting together a jigsaw puzzle so that both people can win.Rule one is,don't narrow the negotiations down to just one issue.While we may resolve impasses by finding a common ground on small issues to keep the negotiation moving,you should never narrow it down to one issue.Rule two of win-win negotiating:People are not out for the same thing Rule number two that makes you a win-win negotiator is the understanding that people are not out for the same thing.We all have an overriding tendency to assume that other people want what we want,and because of this we believe that what's important to us will be important to them.But that's not true.The biggest trap into which neophyte negotiators fall is assuming that price is the dominant issue in a negotiation.Many other elements,other than price,that are important to the other person.You must convince her of the quality of your product or service.He needs to know that you will deliver on time.
She wants to know that you will give adequate management supervision to their account.How flexible are you on payment terms?
因此,如果你觉得自己僵持了一个问题谈判,你应该尝试加入到结构等问题.幸好,通常多元素只是一个主要问题是重要的谈判.艺术双赢谈判就是喜欢把这些内容拼凑在一起,使两者的拼图 人们可以赢.第一个是,谈判不缩小到一个问题.虽然我们可能找到共同点化解僵局的小问题保持磋商感人,你千万缩窄至一两issue.rule双赢谈判:人们并不一样统治多出两个让你一个双赢的谈判代表了解 人们不会出同样的事情.我们都以为倾向压倒别人想什么,因为我们相信,这怎么会是我们重要重要的.不过这不真的成为其中最大的陷阱是假设neophyte谈判代表价格下跌的主导问题 谈判.其他许多因素,除价格 重要的是她必须说服其他person.you你的产品或服务质量.他需要知道,你会到货.她想知道你会给他们足够的监督管理.灵活的付款条件,你就如何?