早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
A man wanted to take a dog ,a chicken and some rice across a river.But there was only one boat and he could only take one of the chicken would eat the rice;if he left the dog with the chicken,th dog would hurt the chicken.
How could he get the three across the river?
A man wanted to take a dog ,a chicken and some rice across a river.But there was only one boat and he could only take one of the chicken would eat the rice;if he left the dog with the chicken,th dog would hurt the chicken.
How could he get the three across the river?
First chicken to the other side,after the return of the dog to the other side to return,put chicken back to the original location and then meters to the other side,Finally,the chicken to the other side.
First chicken to the other side,after the return of the dog to the other side to return,put chicken back to the original location and then meters to the other side,Finally,the chicken to the other side.
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