早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




  “What  1 to the bottle of aspirins ? ” He couldn’t find it in its usual place “What have you done  2 it ? ” he asked his wife She said she hadn’t seen it

  He went into their son’s bedroom to read him his bedtime story On the floor there  3 a bottle the one he  4 ; but it was empty Oh no the kid couldn’t have taken “David what have you done with those sweeties which were in that bottle? Did you eat them ?” David nodded reluctantly “How many did you eat ?” No reply He called his wife She came 5 what had happened and went very white “There  6 twenty-five or thirty tablets left in the bottle ” He  7 them all “But there were no aspirins on the floor or in David’s bed

   “Call an ambulance quick ! ” The ambulance arrived after five minutes and David   8 in a blanket and his mother and father were rushed to the emergency ward (急诊室) at the nearest hospital “Put the boy on the stomach pump at once ” said the doctor as soon as he heard the facts They could hear David screaming as they sat in the waiting room powerless to do  9 except wait Then the screaming stopped and the doctor came back “Lucky you brought him quickly The tablets didn’t have time  10 in his stomach so we got them all out He’s going to be all right


[  ]

A is happening   B was happened

C has happened   D has been happened


[  ]

A with   B for   C on   D in


[  ]

A lay   B was laid   C lain   D lying


[  ]

A looked for     B is looking for

C has looked for   D had been looking for


[  ]

A remembered   B realized   C recognized   D reminded


[  ]

A may not have been     B must have been

C must be          D can have been


[  ]

A can’t have taken     B can have taken

C shouldn’t have taken   D needn’t have taken


[  ]

A contained   B fastened   C wrapped   D tied


[  ]

A nothing   B anything   C the thing   D everything


[  ]

A to be dissolving    B dissolved

C to be dissolved     D to dissolve
