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On January 1st,1983,Hanxue was born in Suzhou,one of the most beautiful cities in China.Like many other children,Hanxue was very mischievous (淘气的) when she was young,she always broke off the branches of the flowers which was grown by her grandfather.Hanxue’s grandfather used to be a military officer in the PLA.He was very strict with his granddaughter but he loved her very much.He hoped his granddaughter would study hard and be an official when she grew up.In 1989 Hanxue began to study at Jinchuang District Experimental Primary School.She studied hard at school and learned singing songs during her spare time.She won the children’s singing competitions many times.After leaving primary school,Hanxue went to Suzhou No.1 Middle School.Teachers and students thought highly of her because of her hard study and her beautiful sings.She went to Beijing to take part in the third Chinese Young Pioneers’ National Congress on June the 1st,1995.One day Hanxue’s classmates asked her to accompany her to attend a new film and television stars selecting competition.It was a famous competition which many young girls wanted to take part in.Hanxue agreed to go with her.To their surprise,Hanxue got the first prize while her classmate got nothing.After that,many film and record companies (电影、唱片公司) wanted Hanxue to join their companies.At that time,she dreamed to be a film star.Her grandfather agreed with Hanxue.“You must to be a good person before you acts in a play,” said her grandfather.
In September,2001,Hanxue became a student of Shanghai Theater Academy(学院).Her dream came true.And now Hanxue obtains the certain success.She acts in many plays.Many people love her plays and her performance(表现,表演) in the play.She acts very carefully and hard.She is now also famous for her beautiful songs.Her songs attract many people.People in Suzhou think they are proud of Hanxue.

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