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some people argue that , since there are billions of stars in our universe, at least millions of them must have planets. And if there are (__1__) of planets, at least thousands of them will have (__2__). And of these life forms, at least some will (__3__) intelligence(智力). At some point of their te(__4__) development, these intelligent beings will think of communicating with (__5__) on other planets.
Some astronomers have (__6__) up a radio telescope at Harvard University. Dr. Paul Horowitz is using the (__7__) to scan (扫视) the skies for any signal (__8__) from other planets.
I have a plea for these gentlemen: please stop before it is too (__9__)!
For one (__10__), what if these beings that are in existence on other (__11__) do give us a message? What if the message (__12__) that these beings are far superior to us? Will we be (__13__) to survive the knowledge of our own unworthiness and inferiority(低劣)?
For another, what (__14__) these beings tune in and find us? Will they be friendly (__15__) us if they find that we can be worse (__16__) animals and that we are capable of (__17__) except polluting the atmosphere, killing(__18__) other as well as other species, and spoiling everything (__19__) our beautiful planet? Think what they will (__20__) to us, if they are unfriendly!
So, gentlemen, please stop looking for trouble!
1 millions
2 life forms
3 have
4 是不是打错了?没有 te 这种单词
5 others
6 looked
7 telescope
8 delivered
9 late
10 hand
11 planets
12 if
13 able
14 if
15 to
16 than
17 than(不确定)
18 up
19 on
20 do

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