早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
University grads see college diploma as key to jobs
University grads see college diploma as key to jobs
With the grim employment situation intensified case,canadian university graduates are choosing college education instead of direct employment and graduate study.In the last five years in Ontario,a 40-per-cent increase in university graduates going to college.The postrecession economy has made it harder for young Canadians to find work,so many are going back to school after months of unemployment or underemployment to gain skills they can apply in a particular line of work.Adding a college diploma or certificate to a university degree can give job applicants an edge over others.More and more colleges are certainly making it easier for university graduates to go back to school for skills training.And the number of graduate certificates keep expanding each year so students can have a solid underlying base
With the grim employment situation intensified case,canadian university graduates are choosing college education instead of direct employment and graduate study.In the last five years in Ontario,a 40-per-cent increase in university graduates going to college.The postrecession economy has made it harder for young Canadians to find work,so many are going back to school after months of unemployment or underemployment to gain skills they can apply in a particular line of work.Adding a college diploma or certificate to a university degree can give job applicants an edge over others.More and more colleges are certainly making it easier for university graduates to go back to school for skills training.And the number of graduate certificates keep expanding each year so students can have a solid underlying base
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