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随着电脑的普及运用,如今越来越多的中学生也在借助于电脑字,因此很多中学生的书写水平在急剧下降。针对此现象你班举行了主题为“中学生进行书法比赛是否有必要”的班会,请你根据下面的提示写一篇 100 词左右的短文。

有的同学认为没有必要: 1. 电脑时代,使用手写的场合很少;

                      2. 在电脑上打字比书写快。

有的同学认为很有必要: 1. 提高学生的汉字书写技巧;

                      2. 培养学生对书法的兴趣;

                      3. 增进学生对汉语语言文字的热爱。



With computers used in many fields more and more students choose to type on the computer instead of writing on paper which has caused the level of their handwriting to drop greatly. Our class had a discussion about whether it is necessary to hold handwrithing contests.

Some students think handwriting contests are not very important because we now live in the computer age. We type more on the computer than we write with a pen and paper; besides typing on the computer is quicker than writing.

Others think such contests are necessary. For one thing it can improve stdnets’ handwriting skill and interests; for another it can teach students to love Chinese characters.

In my view practicing handwriting can make students improve both their bodies and minds. So it is necessary to hold handwriting contests among students.


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