早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
reached the hawker centre and I saw a long queue there when I brought the breakfast this morning. I counted the number of people and it was almost 15 people queueing. Suddenly, I saw a teenager walking slowly towards the queue and he cut the queue but no one noticed it. My heart beating faster than ever and I just wanted to scold him for cutting the queue.
Everyone should follow the rules.Time was precious for everyone and we had to respect the others by not cutting the queue. It was unfair for people to stand there for long time . We must understood what the others felt when you were cutting the queue.Therefore, I suggusted everyone to do their own part in daily life. Cutting the queue was a impolite behaviour.
Everyone should follow the rules.Time was precious for everyone and we had to respect the others by not cutting the queue. It was unfair for people to stand there for long time . We must understood what the others felt when you were cutting the queue.Therefore, I suggusted everyone to do their own part in daily life. Cutting the queue was a impolite behaviour.
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