早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
On sunday mother had a headache,I mada l__________ for the family.
We should keep quiet at the museum,and never talk l__________.
I donn't like swimming,my brother doesn't like swimming e__________.
Typoon Pearl is coming.We must close the windows and stay i__________.
Mum asked Tim to go to the super m__________ with ber to buy some food.
Dr Bethune was C__________.He had a lot of money,but he was not h__________.He toughtpeople should help e__________other.He gave some money to help s__________people and look after them.
In 1938 Dr bethune came to China and worked as a d__________ in the army.He s__________ many soldiers lives.He also wrote taxibooks and t__________ Chinese doctors.
Dr bethune worked s__________ hard that he became sick and died in 1939.
He helped many people all over the w__________,he was a good man.Wewill r__________ him forever.
The library assistant said,"line up,don't p__________."
Meimei can b__________ two books from the school library each time.
My father lost his w__________ on the way home,there was 100 yuan in it.
Iwanted tothank Meimei b__________ a mew skirt to her daughter for birthday gift yesterday.
It's time for get up.(改错)
We must take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.(改错)
When traffice lignt turns yellow,we should run quickly.(改错)
On sunday mother had a headache,I mada l__________ for the family.
We should keep quiet at the museum,and never talk l__________.
I donn't like swimming,my brother doesn't like swimming e__________.
Typoon Pearl is coming.We must close the windows and stay i__________.
Mum asked Tim to go to the super m__________ with ber to buy some food.
Dr Bethune was C__________.He had a lot of money,but he was not h__________.He toughtpeople should help e__________other.He gave some money to help s__________people and look after them.
In 1938 Dr bethune came to China and worked as a d__________ in the army.He s__________ many soldiers lives.He also wrote taxibooks and t__________ Chinese doctors.
Dr bethune worked s__________ hard that he became sick and died in 1939.
He helped many people all over the w__________,he was a good man.Wewill r__________ him forever.
The library assistant said,"line up,don't p__________."
Meimei can b__________ two books from the school library each time.
My father lost his w__________ on the way home,there was 100 yuan in it.
Iwanted tothank Meimei b__________ a mew skirt to her daughter for birthday gift yesterday.
It's time for get up.(改错)
We must take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.(改错)
When traffice lignt turns yellow,we should run quickly.(改错)
It's time to geting up.
We must not take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.
When the traffice light turns yellow,we should run quickly.
lunch /loud /either/in /market/Canadian/healthy/each/some/doctor/
It's time to geting up.
We must not take the lift downstairs when there is a fire.
When the traffice light turns yellow,we should run quickly.
lunch /loud /either/in /market/Canadian/healthy/each/some/doctor/
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