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帮我翻译点东西,谢谢摘要:本文主要回顾了列车调度问题的大概研究现状。首先介绍了该问题的几个主要研究方向,列车排班,时刻表调整或者重排班和站台指派问题;然后对涉及该问题并且对研究起重要影响的几个要素进行分析,比如轨道模型,列车的种类和算法模型的种类;最后总结了一个比较简单的评述和问题。 关键字:列车调度,列车排班,重排班,站台指派 列车调度是一个内容比较宽泛的问题,研究的侧重点不同,看待问题的视角不同,采用的模型不同,研究的方法不同,所得到的结论也不尽相同。本文从列车调度子问题,轨道,列车,调度,模型算法等几个方面描述该问题的研究现状。
This paper reviews the problem of train scheduling research about the status quo. First introduced the issue of several major research direction, the train scheduling, schedule adjustments, or re-scheduling and assignment problem sites; and then involved in the study of the problem and have an important impact on the analysis of several elements, such as the track model, train the type and model of the type of algorithm; concluded a review of relatively simple and problems.

Keywords: train scheduling, train scheduling, re-scheduling, the site assigned

Train scheduling is a relatively broad issues, the focus of research is different from the perspective of the issue look at different models using different research methods, the conclusions obtained are not the same. This article from the train scheduling sub-problems, track, trains, scheduling, several aspects of the model algorithm described in the study of the status quo.