早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Is it necessary to say "no" sometime
Is it necessary to say "no" sometime
Once upon a time,there was a large mountain called Tai-Ying which sat between Old Man Yu and the nearest village.Every day,Old Man Yu had to walk many extra miles in order to circle around Tai-Ying,and finally he decided to simply move the mountain out of his way.
Old Man Yu called together his children and grandchildren."I am going to move Tai-Ying."
The family cheered.
The youngest stood and asked where the moutain could be moved.
Old Man Yu thought for a second."I will dump it in the sea."
Again the family cheered,and promised to help make his dream a reality.
Now,as everyone knows,it is no small matter to move a mountain,and this mountain was no exception.After a year,only a tiny portion of Tai-Ying had been carted to the sea.
A shopkeeper in the village laughed at Old Man Yu."Your dream is foolish.You are old,and Tai-Ying is monstrous."
Old Man Yu shook his head and smiled."You are right,but your vision is short.I have children who have children who will bear more children.As time goes on,I get stronger and the mountain grows weaker.Tai-Ying will be moved."
And so it was.
Old Man Yu called together his children and grandchildren."I am going to move Tai-Ying."
The family cheered.
The youngest stood and asked where the moutain could be moved.
Old Man Yu thought for a second."I will dump it in the sea."
Again the family cheered,and promised to help make his dream a reality.
Now,as everyone knows,it is no small matter to move a mountain,and this mountain was no exception.After a year,only a tiny portion of Tai-Ying had been carted to the sea.
A shopkeeper in the village laughed at Old Man Yu."Your dream is foolish.You are old,and Tai-Ying is monstrous."
Old Man Yu shook his head and smiled."You are right,but your vision is short.I have children who have children who will bear more children.As time goes on,I get stronger and the mountain grows weaker.Tai-Ying will be moved."
And so it was.
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