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Goodafternoon,ladies and gentlemen:
It is mygreat honor to be here to present myself.Today the topic of my speech is “Mydream”.
My Dreamhas several parts.
First,Iwant my family to be happy,healthy,and comfortable.Rich is not necessary,though it would be nice.
Second,I want to be able to use my brains and skills to become a geneticist so that Ican create cures to help people live better.If I can make the world better foreven one person,I will have met that goal.I want chocolate to be declared ahealth food.I know,that's not reasonable,but it is a dream I have.I want toinvent the self-cleaning bedroom.I am required to clean my own room every day,but I have so many homework to do.
But morethan any of these,I dream of peace.Peace so my little brother can grow upunafraid.War is killing many people and causing great sadness.We are seeing death everywhere now.I want everyone to understand andhelp each other,regardless of race,religion,color,creed,size,shape,sexual orientation,just because we are all members of the same species:Homosapien.(现代智人)That is my Dream.
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