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I recently heard a story from Stephen Glenn about a famous research scientist.He had made several very important medical(36)___.Once,he was being interviewed by a newspaper journalist who asked why he was able to be so much more creative than the(37)___ person.What set him so far apart from others?
He responded that,in his opinion,it all came from a(n)(38)___ with his mother that occurred when he was about two years old.He had been trying to(39)___ a bottle of milk from the refrigerator when he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell,(40)___ its contents all over the kitchen floor-a veritable sea of milk!
When his mother came into the kitchen,instead of(41)___ at him,giving him a lecture or punishing him,she said,"Robert,what a great and wonderful(42)___ you have made!I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk.Well,the(43)___ has already been done.Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes(44)___ we clean it up?"
Indeed,he did.After a few(45)___,his mother said,"You know,Robert,whenever you make a mess like this,eventually you have to clean it up and (46)___ everything to its proper order."And together they cleaned up the spilled milk.
His mother then said,"You know,what we have here is a (47)___ experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands.Let's go out in the back yard and (48)___ water into the bottle and see if you can discover a way to carry it without (49)___ it."The little boy (50)___ that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands,he could make it.What a wonderful (51)___!
This renowned scientist then(52)___ that it was at that moment that he knew he didn't need to be afraid to make mistakes.Instead,he learned that mistakes were just(53)___ for learning something new,which is,after all,what scientific(54)___ are all about.Even if the experiment"doesn't work,"we usually learn something (55)___ from it.

36.A.choices B.breakthroughs C.headlines D.decisions
37.A.normal B.usual C.extraordinary D.average
38.A.experience B.association C.event D.fiction
39.A.boil B.cook C.remove D.freeze
40.A.spoiling B.spraying C.spreading D.sweeping
41.A.pointing B.yelling C.smiling D.glancing
42.A.discovery B.mess C.arrangement D.joke
43.A.disaster B.destruction C.harm D.damage
44.A.when B.while C.after D.before
45.A.days B.hours C.minutes D.seconds
46.A.restore B.recover C.relieve D.renew
47.A.succeeded B.failed C.conducted D.fascinated
48.A.fill B.keep C.store D.save
49.A.falling B.dropping C.quitting D.breaking
50.A.studied B.researched C.learned D.witnessed
51.A.class B.course C.curriculum D.lesson
52.A.recited B.recommended C.remarked D.reported
53.A.environment B.situations C.opportunities D.settings
54.A.skills B.approaches C.developments D.experiments
55.A.valuable B.essential C.awful D.merciful
36-40 BDACA  41-45 BBDDC  46-50 ABABC  51-55 DCCDA
36 B.考查名词的辨析.他已经取得了重要的医学突破(breakthrough),故选B.
37 D.考查形容词的辨析.记者问她为什么比一般人更有创造力.an average person普通人,一般人.故选D.
38 A.考查名词的辨析.本处意为"源于一次经历".an experience一次经历.故选A.
39 C.考查动词的辨析.根据语境,他想把牛奶瓶子从冰箱里拿出来.remove移动.故选C.
40 A.考查动词的辨析.根据语境,奶瓶掉在地上,牛奶洒了一地.spoiling损坏,破坏.故选A.
41 B.考查词组yell at sb 对…吼叫.根据语境,母亲没有朝他喊叫.yell喊叫.故选B.
42 B.考查名词的辨析.根据下一段中的"whenever you make a mess like this",不论你何时弄得一团糟,可知本处选B.
43 D.考查名词的辨析.本处意为"损失已经造成了".damage损失.故选D.
44 D.考查连词的辨析.句意:你想在清理之前先玩几分钟吗?故选D.
45 C.考查名词的辨析.根据上文"Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes",可知 几分钟之后,选C.
46 A.考查动词的辨析.本处指"把东西重新归置好.restore恢复,修复.故选A.
47 B.考查形容词的辨析.本处指"这是一个失败的经历",故选B.
48 A.考查动词的辨析.本处指"把瓶子装满水",故选A.
49 B.考查动词的辨析.本处指"看看你是否能想出办法把瓶子拿稳不掉地下",drop弄掉.故选B.
50 C.考查日常的辨析.learn,得知.根据语境,他得知了不把瓶子掉地下的方法.故选C.
51 D.考查名词的辨析.句意:多么美妙的教训.lesson经验,教训.故选D.
52 C.考查动词的辨析.remark评论.根据语境,本处指那位科学家评论了此事.故选C.
53 C.考查名词的辨析.根据语境,错误正是学习新知识的机会.opportunity机会.故选C.
54 D.考查名词的辨析.这也是科学实验所需要的.experiment实验.故选D.
55 A.考查形容词的辨析.句意:即使实验没成功,我们也能从中学到一些宝贵的东西.valuable宝贵的.故选A.