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人们一直面临着上学难、看病难、买房难的问题。如:大部分人都负债买房。今年政府将更加重视民生。教育、医疗、住房,就业等状况将会得到改善。如:义务教育免费、减轻农民负担、控制房价、扩大就业等, 让人民群众持续地得到实惠。请根据以上所述写篇短文,并简要发表自己的感想。
2. 参考词汇:民生 the people’s livelihood 义务教育 compulsory education
Nowadays, most people cannot afford to buy a house, to go to school or to see a doctor. As we all know, most people are in debt for a house.
This year, the government is paying much more attention to the people’s livelihood. A lot of measures will be taken to improve it. The conditions of education, medical services, housing and employment will be greatly improved. For example, the government will provide free compulsory education. Also, the farmers’ burden is surely going to be lightened. In addition to this, the prices of the houses are to be controlled. Moreover, the government will create many more chances for jobs.
As is previously stated, we can see that China is getting richer and stronger, and people’s life will be getting better and better. Personally, I think we should study harder to make contributions to our country.
