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Nowaday,the motivation or students learning English is to deal with the exam,but there is not oral English exam in the middle school for the moment.So,the teachers and students think that learning oral English is wasting time.Teachers neglect teaching oral English but teaching grammar is the pivot,so the “dummy English” is appeared.This paper probe into the “interdynamic type” spoken teaching mode to use the comfortable and abundant spoken activity on the class,persevere in teaching guidelines of “students are the center”.Arouse the enthusiasm that students opening their mouths and speaking English,thus reach the purpose of training and consolidating the ability of speaking in English.
蛮多错1.the motivation of students to learn English is to deal with the exams.(三处)2.So teachers and students (两处)3.but take grammar as the pivot of teaching.4.in the class5.reach the goal of speak...

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