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What must you do when you get a present for your birthday?You have to sit down and write a thank-you letter.The words "Thank you" 41 very important.We need to use them often.We say them when someone 42 us a drink or does something for us.
43 important word is "please".Many people often forget 44 it.It is not polite to ask someone to do something without saying "please".We need to use it when we ask 45 something.It 46 a book or a pencil,more rice or more tea.We should say "please" to make each other 47 .
We need to learn to say "sorry",too.When we hurt someone,we go up and say we are 48 .When we do something wrong we use 49 the word.
When we forget something 50 break something,we use the word "sorry",too.
What must you do when you get a present for your birthday?You have to sit down and write a thank-you letter.The words "Thank you" 41 very important.We need to use them often.We say them when someone 42 us a drink or does something for us.
43 important word is "please".Many people often forget 44 it.It is not polite to ask someone to do something without saying "please".We need to use it when we ask 45 something.It 46 a book or a pencil,more rice or more tea.We should say "please" to make each other 47 .
We need to learn to say "sorry",too.When we hurt someone,we go up and say we are 48 .When we do something wrong we use 49 the word.
When we forget something 50 break something,we use the word "sorry",too.
41 is
42 gives
43 A/The
44 to say
45 someone for
46 不知道这句话想表达什麽
47 happy
48 sorry
49 不填
50 or
42 gives
43 A/The
44 to say
45 someone for
46 不知道这句话想表达什麽
47 happy
48 sorry
49 不填
50 or
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