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The hypocrisy of the world,the hypocrisy of the people,this is my view of the world!
What time do not know from,feel good in this world of hypocrisy,I sincerely treat each person,each person as his friend,to help me when I have to do everything in one's power.I don't ask for nothing in return,only hope that each other can really get along.I found myself really wrong now,you give it to others as your friend,but others do not you,need you to seek you,don't need you are lazy to ignore you.
I often think:if we are able to really get along should have much good to each other,but I find the idea is too naive,too unrealistic.Maybe after several years and you can say hello,maybe after several years we have become strangers,do in this world live must be so hypocritical?
No matter how the world changes,I don't hope that our friendship will be changed.
I sincerely wish all of my friends all happy forever!

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