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E book 英语作文
要求1.2.它的优点 3.它的缺点 4.个人看法 无要求
要求1.2.它的优点 3.它的缺点 4.个人看法 无要求
More and more people are tending to read books or information by computer software or mobile phone software, it is because most of the E books are free and convient to download. When one meets some questions, the frist step he does may be to input the key words in the searching engine, then a lot of E materials will appear, most of them are free. it will just take few minutes to download them and start to enjoy the knowledge,and find the right methods to address those quettions.
But some people reject the idea that E books should be used in large scale. They consider the Ebooks as fast food, not so nutrient to human as traditional paper books do. As the access to knowledge is hard work without any shortcut. The paper books make more detailed description upon knowledge, to let the reader learn more about why and how, but not only the simple result of what.
I think we should use it when necessary,and don't use it all the time.
More and more people are tending to read books or information by computer software or mobile phone software, it is because most of the E books are free and convient to download. When one meets some questions, the frist step he does may be to input the key words in the searching engine, then a lot of E materials will appear, most of them are free. it will just take few minutes to download them and start to enjoy the knowledge,and find the right methods to address those quettions.
But some people reject the idea that E books should be used in large scale. They consider the Ebooks as fast food, not so nutrient to human as traditional paper books do. As the access to knowledge is hard work without any shortcut. The paper books make more detailed description upon knowledge, to let the reader learn more about why and how, but not only the simple result of what.
I think we should use it when necessary,and don't use it all the time.
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