早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
能不能帮我把一段英语改写下,改完之后意思一样. 整体上和原来的不雷同. 万分感谢
What legal action, if any, can Charliepursue as a result of the injuries that he has suffered?
Charlie cannot rely on the Sale of GoodsAct 1979 as this applies only to the immediate buyer (Mary). Charlie did notbuy the goods and is therefore not protected under this Act. However, he has achoice of whether to sue the manufacturer under the law of delict but he willhave to prove three points — duty of care, breach of this and causal link.These three points (duty of care, breach of this and causal link) can be shownin the case study and so Charlie is likely to receive damages as a result ofhis injuries. An alternative forCharlie is that he can sue the producer (manufacturer) under the ConsumerProtection Act 1987. This will be easier as strict liability operates underthis Act so Charlie will not have to prove fault nor will it be up to him toprove that the goods were defective — he would only need to prove injury tohimself and/or any of his legally protected interests (for example, even ifCharlie had not been physically hurt, he could still claim for damage, say, tohis clothing, though this would only be competent if the amount being claimedfor was £275 or over. In this particular case study, the fact that Charlie hassuffered from ‘serious smoke inhalation and severe shock’ would still renderthe Consumer Protection Act 1987 competent.
What legal action, if any, can Charliepursue as a result of the injuries that he has suffered?
Charlie cannot rely on the Sale of GoodsAct 1979 as this applies only to the immediate buyer (Mary). Charlie did notbuy the goods and is therefore not protected under this Act. However, he has achoice of whether to sue the manufacturer under the law of delict but he willhave to prove three points — duty of care, breach of this and causal link.These three points (duty of care, breach of this and causal link) can be shownin the case study and so Charlie is likely to receive damages as a result ofhis injuries. An alternative forCharlie is that he can sue the producer (manufacturer) under the ConsumerProtection Act 1987. This will be easier as strict liability operates underthis Act so Charlie will not have to prove fault nor will it be up to him toprove that the goods were defective — he would only need to prove injury tohimself and/or any of his legally protected interests (for example, even ifCharlie had not been physically hurt, he could still claim for damage, say, tohis clothing, though this would only be competent if the amount being claimedfor was £275 or over. In this particular case study, the fact that Charlie hassuffered from ‘serious smoke inhalation and severe shock’ would still renderthe Consumer Protection Act 1987 competent.
What legal action,if any,can Charlie pursue as a result of the injuries that he has suffered?Charlie cannot rely on the Sale of Goods Act 1979 as this applies only to the immediate buyer (Mary).Charli...
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