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根据招聘广告和简历内容,假设您就是张平。以电子邮件形式发出一封超过80词的应聘信,对您本人优势要适当扩展。开头已给出,请在落款处加上“your faithfully Zhang Ping”.(10分)

Building Engineer Needed

Graduated in famous university

Good at computer     Age:25-35

Excellent English

One year’s experience

Xixi Building Company Ltd.

E-mail: xixibc@sohu.com.cn


Zhang Ping            Age:25

Graduated in Zhejiang University

English: CET 6(6级)

Hobby: computer games and sports

Practiced one month in a company


E-mail: zhangping@yahoo.com


Send to xixibc@sohu.com.cn

Dear sir





Dear Sir     My name is Zhang Ping. I’m 25. I graduated in a famous university-Zhejiang University. I was a top student in my college. My English level is 6 degree (I have passed the English Examination of 6 degree) and I like spoken English. I like computer games very much so I’m good at computer. I like sports and I’m healthy and strong. I haven’t got one year’s experience but I practiced for a month in a company. I think I am able to do the job very well. I will be very pleased if I have a chance to work in your company. My telephone number is 010-85898866 and my e-mail is zhangping@yahoo.com.                                               Your faithfully                                               Zhang Ping

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在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句,使整段文字语意完整连贯,内容贴切,逻辑严密。每处不超过15个字。  2020-12-30 …