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配对阅读 左栏是五则寻找宠物的启事,右栏是七则宠物招领的启事。请根据左右两栏的信息帮助宠物的主人找到丢失的宠物。

(     ) 1. Animal LOST 5/23/2014

A black cat old and thin. He' s about 14 years old. Our children have grown up with him and he is part of our family. If you see him please call us right away.

Posted by: Debbie 6424111

(     ) 2. Animal LOST 6/5/2014

Medium short haired all black about two years old ears standing up a very sweet dog.

    Posted by: Kori 3480542

(     )3. Animal LOST 5/4/2014

    A dog 3 months old. She is brown with white hairs on her chest. Her eyes are greenish colored. Her nose is pink.

    Posted by: Se nia 3405442

(     )4. Animal LOST 4/30/2014

    1/2 years old. She has big ears and white chest with white front legs. She is a small dog and weighs about 6 pounds. One of her front legs got hurt so she walks with difficulties.

    Posted by: Jennifer Tomlinson 3607734

(     )5. Animal LOST 5/11/2014

    Our pet is a small medium white haired 4-year-old cat. She has two big eyes and they are bright green.

    Posted by: Lauren 2407131

A. I found a cat in my backyard around NW Street on May 11th 2014. It's a small cat with white hairs and big green eyes. Please call Paul Smith at 9503341.

B. A wounded(受伤的) dog was found at the corner of my house at Millplain on April 30th 2014. She has white front legs and big ears. Please call me at 9108846.

C. A white dog was found in our yard playing

  with our dog on March 23rd 2014. She is

  a lovely big dog. There seems something wrong with one of her legs. Adamson at 8024156.

D. Our kids found a cat close to our house at

  SW Alexander Street. It's a black cat. It is

  old and thin. Please call Gordon at 7768585.

E. A cat was found in my garden on April 30th 2014. It's old and thin. Please call Jeff at 8034477.

F. A baby dog was found around Kauffman

  Street. It's about 3-5 months old. She has

  green eyes and a pink nose. Please call

  Morrie at 9019968.

G. I found a dog at Molalla Area on June 5th

  2014. It's a small black dog about 2 years

  old. Please call Larry at 7058864.

1D  2G  3F  4B  5A

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