早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.Explain what is meant by "extra strength"?
2.Explain what is meant by "It's hazardous to exceed the maximum dose"?
3.Could you take this drug with the previous one listed?why?
4.Explain what is meant by "Child resistant package"?
1.Explain what is meant by "extra strength"?
2.Explain what is meant by "It's hazardous to exceed the maximum dose"?
3.Could you take this drug with the previous one listed?why?
4.Explain what is meant by "Child resistant package"?
1.Explain what is meant by "extra strength"?
It means the dose or concentrations of the medicine are higher or stronger in their effect.
2.Explain what is meant by "It's hazardous to exceed the maximum dose"?
It will cause side effects or complications if the medicine is overdose.
3.Could you take this drug with the previous one listed?why?
Because the previous one may add extra treatment effect,thus more effective.
4.Explain what is meant by "Child resistant package"?
The package is protected from children.The child will not be able to open the drug bottle or the packet,for safety reasons.
It means the dose or concentrations of the medicine are higher or stronger in their effect.
2.Explain what is meant by "It's hazardous to exceed the maximum dose"?
It will cause side effects or complications if the medicine is overdose.
3.Could you take this drug with the previous one listed?why?
Because the previous one may add extra treatment effect,thus more effective.
4.Explain what is meant by "Child resistant package"?
The package is protected from children.The child will not be able to open the drug bottle or the packet,for safety reasons.
现在时间2011年2月24日16:532011年2月27日08:00现在未完成作业(请分条回答)(如 2020-03-30 …
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