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  Sublime aesthetic value of this beauty is a huge conflict obtained .The play,Violetta sincere love Alfred to Germany ,seen as God's gift of love to this precious gift to her ,for the love,abandoned the life of pampered luxury and secretly selling the family silver for life expenses ,while for another girl happiness,she reluctantly let go of her feelings of life is meant to be final by the German Alfred scolded know the truth but fell ill and eventually died .Such self-sacrifice for the happiness of others,in the fierce conflicts in their noble death ,tragic.
  The " noble " cause of aesthetic experience is the hero of the audience with the noble character of the natural language of the heart and slowly came to realize .
  Second second act ,Violetta return to the pleasure quarters ,facing all sorts of humiliating know the truth Alfred ,and stick to the promise of extreme pressure fall upon her heart desolate intense pain did not tell the truth ,and finally unbearable combating ill ,she had the audience on a deep compassion and mercy in the hearts of hope she can get over it ,and slowly return to health.But the third act ,and the joy of reunion Alfred evokes strength of her desire for a happy life ,not even stand up are gone ,she fell on a chair in a moment,the heart of the audience could not help but pulling up ,the feeling of death shrouded in Violetta who ,in the end the love theme in the background,quietly Violetta died in a lover's embrace.So far,the results of Violetta 's tragedy audience into deep grief.But after such a stirring emotional experience ,it would arouse the audience to think deeply ,to a rational ethical contemplation Violetta 's death .She was such a noble self-sacrifice ,commitment of no regrets ,no turning back the spirit already gone beyond the " death" itself into higher forms of life .
  Thus,the inner experience of the audience will be transformed into a sense of grief from the outset as " sublime " ethical morality ,aesthetic experience heart eventually get sublimation." Noble " cause is " energetic agitation ,high-spirited mood ," the subject of this aesthetic experience must be completed to obtain a strong emotional oscillation .Violetta evoke sublime aesthetic experience is.Violetta 's death drama show in the fierce conflict .Not only thought-provoking ,and aesthetic experience these feelings will rise to rational ,reaching ethics " sublime " realm.
  Another image of the aesthetic value of Violetta is her " tragic ." Because this is full of multiple personalities Violetta 's character ,not only greatly enriched the story plot and dramatic ,and enhance the aesthetic emotional experience of the audience.Moreover ,it can be said ,in "La Traviata" in which all the characters ,the only way to really impress the audience is Violetta ,and even had Violetta ,"La Traviata" have a real sense of the tragic .
  First,from the perspective of the source of tragic beauty ,Violetta image is from the " little people " tragic fate.Such figures generally have a sincere ,kind,tolerant ,self-sacrifice and other beauty,but because of the lowly status ,social class,and family restrictions or factors,they often suffer great damage ,destruction or coercion and escape the bitter tragic fate,but in the hardships of living conditions in exchange for its own suffering people's sentiments and virtues ,which led people to think deeply and to encourage people to deny a life at the same time to pursue another new life.Secondly,from the tragic beauty of the produce ,the tragic elements of artwork or characters .
  "Is the focus of social life,summed up the tragic events ,social life is being destroyed something valuable artistic product ,she usually is the greatest manifestation of pain and sorrow ." This shows that the aesthetic value of art characters ,that is the subject of aesthetic beauty evoke the tragic events associated with the life of the world body often happens ,while the image of the source of Violetta opera live in the real world prototype ,is she impressed the audience ,let the audience empathize important reason.Verdi 's Violetta is faithful to the original version of Dumas ,in this opera ,Verdi created a new,flexible and expressive melodic recitation of the chant continued possessed tune with OK the musical language of the heroine portrayed the complex inner feelings to life .
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