早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


第一个:My favorite music
要求:1、叙述你喜欢的音乐.2 你喜欢音乐的原因.3 谈出你对所喜欢音乐的理解.4、音乐在中国受欢迎的情况.
第二个:TV and newspaper
my favorite music
There are many songs stored on my computer and they are all my favorites.Music can help us in many ways.I'd like to listen to different music as my situations are changing.
When i am in blue,quiet music is my favorite,such as " a perfect indian" and " bressanone" .I can think calmly when i listen to them.Then i can understand something deep inside and face it bravely.
When i get very excited and even want to dance,i will choose DJ music.This kind of music can help me enjoy myself.
Singing with English songs is a good way to improve our English.So when i study English,such kind of music become my favorite.
When i don't know where to go and can't get the meaning of life,those stumilating songs are my favorite,such as " i believe i can fly ".
No country has more daily newspapers than the USA.
413.Often their point of view is linked with the views of publishers and editors.
414.From the papers,we can see that people never stop arguing about politics,art and religion.
415.In America,Washington Post and the New York Times exert a powerful influence all over the country.
416.The British are also great readers of newspapers.
417.They even read newspapers while walking to the bus.
418.Dailies,morning papers,evening papers,plus weekly,monthly,bimonthly and quarterly journals can make readers busy reading all day long.
419.The newspapers are by no means the organs of the political parties even when they have their own views on politics.
420.The more popular newspapers like to use cartoons and humorous drawings.
421.Although there is no censorship of the press in Britain,all newspapers have to be responsible for what they publish.
422.Because of advertisements a newspaper sometimes can be thick as 100 pages.
423.It is a regret that the number of literature magazines has
Viewers are now able to watch TV programs for all day if they are willing to.
Many parents blame that there is too much violence and gunplay in TV programs.
British television is also linked with Europe through the Eurovision network.
Thanks to satellites transmission technology,current news can all be televised live where ver in the world.
Telephone,radios,televisions,newspapers and magazines are all part of the communication system.
440.All this makes it possible for most people to know what is going
They help people keep in touch with each other and learn from each other.
China is now the largest producer of TV sets.
In India,Vietnam and Russian,you can find TCL and Konka TV sets of Chinese Brands.
Almost every Chinese family has one TV set.
News on TV keep people informed of latest news in the world.

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