早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
用英语描述自己的童年的喜怒哀乐,用 "used to" 句型
问题补充:用 used to句型,来写自己的童年,例如:I used to play football but now I have to do homework. 但我要一个短文,这只是一个句子,也不要一件事!~~~谢啦!~~~~~
用英语描述自己的童年的喜怒哀乐,用 "used to" 句型
问题补充:用 used to句型,来写自己的童年,例如:I used to play football but now I have to do homework. 但我要一个短文,这只是一个句子,也不要一件事!~~~谢啦!~~~~~
When I was small,I used to have many friends.Most of them used to be my neighbourhoods.We were always played games togehter and talked about any interesting thing.But we were very naughty,so we all used to be punished by our parents.At that time,we used to like all the sports,such as football,swimming and so on.I used to have many dreams.I used to want to be a teacher.In my eyes,teacher is a good job.And my friends used to be singer,doctor,driver and so on.But now we grow up and have many different ideas.
I think everyone have childhood just is like me.We used to have different experience in our childhood.But anyway it's our happy memory.
When I was small,I used to have many friends.Most of them used to be my neighbourhoods.We were always played games togehter and talked about any interesting thing.But we were very naughty,so we all used to be punished by our parents.At that time,we used to like all the sports,such as football,swimming and so on.I used to have many dreams.I used to want to be a teacher.In my eyes,teacher is a good job.And my friends used to be singer,doctor,driver and so on.But now we grow up and have many different ideas.
I think everyone have childhood just is like me.We used to have different experience in our childhood.But anyway it's our happy memory.
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