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Dear Louise,we are having a wonderful time in china.这篇短文解答.急用Dear Louise,We"re having a wonderful time in China.This week we’re in Shanghai.Your friend Bob and his f__________ happen to (碰巧) live near our hotel.He told me to say

Dear Louise,we are having a wonderful time in china.这篇短文解答.急用
Dear Louise,
We're having a wonderful time in China.This week we’re in Shanghai.Your friend Bob and his f__________ happen to (碰巧) live near our hotel.He told me to say h___________ to our family.Bob and his family showed us around the city yesterday.
It’s a modern and interesting p_____________.We visited Shanghai Museum,Yu Garden and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.You can see the whole the city from the tower.It was really g___________!Next week we’re going to Hangzhou.It’s a very beautiful city,too.
See you s______________.
Dear Louise,
We're having a wonderful time in China.This week we’re in Shanghai.Your friend Bob and his friend happen to (碰巧) live near our hotel.He told me to say hello to our family.Bob and his family showed us around the city yesterday.
It’s a modern and interesting place.We visited Shanghai Museum,Yu Garden and the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.You can see the whole the city from the tower.It was really great!Next week we’re going to Hangzhou.It’s a very beautiful city,too.
See you soon.
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