早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.A.Thank you.B.Wit h pleasure.C.Very well.
2.A.I'll do that.B.Yes,please.C.The same to you.
3.A.Yes,you are right.B.I'm glad you like it.C.Never mind.
4.A.Sorry,I don't know.B.Certainly.Good idea.C.Sure.No problem.
5.A.That's right.B.You are welcome.C.I'm afraid I can't.
6.Where is Jim now?
A.At home.B.In the library.C.At the cinema.
7.How does the girl go to school?
A.By car.B.On foot.C.By bike.
8.What do they think about the radio?
9.When will Li Lei arrive?
A.At 6:35.B.At 5:55.C.At 5:40.
10.Why can Kate not go to the park?
 A.Because she has to do the washing.B.Because she is ill.
 C.Because she is afraid.
11.What does the man like?
   A.Watching videos.B.Talking.C.Reading books.
12.What is the man's favorite film?
   A. Alice's Adventure in Wonderland.    B.Aladdin.C.Finding Nemo.
13.Has the woman seen the film Finding Nemo?
   A.Yes.B.No.C.Not mentioned(提到)in the dialogue.
14.Has the woman read the book Finding Nemo?
   A.Yes.B.No.C.Not mentioned in the dialogue.
15.Which book does the man like best?
   A.Finding Nemo   B.Alice's Adventure in Wonderland.  C.He doesn't like any books.
16.Who is speaking?
   A.An answerphone(自动应答录音电话机).B.A manager.C.A policeman.
17.What is the new phone number?
18.What are the business hours of the travel office?
   A.From 8:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.B.From 9:00 a.m.to 5:00 p.m.
C.From 9:00 a.m.to 6:00p.m.
19.What present can you get if your holiday costs£500?
   A.A travel bag.B.A free ticket.C.A special price.
20.What do we know about the North Seas Travel Office?
   A.It's a little difficult to find its new address.B.It gives every traveler a present.
   C.It has many holidays at special prices.
录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,根据所听内容填写下面的表格. (每空不多于三个词)
61 ___     the day after tomorrow
People     some of my  62 ___  
Activity     have a   63 ___   
meeting place     64 ___  gate
 meeting time     at   65 ___   
1-5 AABCC  6-10 CBABA  11-15 ACACB  16-20 ACBAC