早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





1. W: What are your plans for the holiday?

M: I will go to Hong Kong Disneyland.

2. M: When did you see the wonderful fashion show?

W: On the twenty-fourth of December.

3. W: Let's have a party at Liu Tao's house shall we?

M: Sure. Let's buy some snacks and drinks.

4. M: Why did she laugh happily?

W: She watched a wonderful film on TV after dinner.

5. W: Can I help you?

M: Yes please. I want to buy a book on Chinese history.

6. M: What do you have for breakfast Yang Ling?

W: I have a lot of noodles and an egg.

7. W: Please be quiet!This is the reading room.

M: Sorry Grace.

8. M: Do you know what Millie's hobby is?

W? Her hobby is dancing. She goes to dancing school.

9. W: How long will you stay in Taipei?

M: I will visit my aunt for two days and then travel around Taipei for a week.

10. M: Are you going to plant trees with us tomorrow?

W : Why not? When and where shall we meet?

二、 根据所听短文,选择正确的答案,听两遍。

John Brown is a Music School student. He will leave the school in July this year. He is going to work in the evening. He is going to play the piano at the restaurant of the Star Hotel. After work he will have dinner. He will take a taxi home at three in the morning. He will go to bed at four and get up at one in the afternoon. He likes the work because he only works three nights a week.

三、 根据你所听到内容,补全对话,听三遍。

All students need to have good habits. When you have good study habits you learn things quickly . You also remember them easily .

Do you like to study in the living room? This is not a good place because it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place like your bedroom . It will help you only think about one thing and you will learn better .

Before you begin to study do not forget to clean your desk. A good desk light is importent too.You'll feel tired  if there is not enough light.


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