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 中央各部委即将出台低碳相关政策:2010年2月22日,在中共中央政治局集体学习中,胡锦涛总书记明确指出,要完善产业政策、财税政策、信贷政策、投资政策,提高应对气候变化政策措施实施保障能力。
 最近10年全球光伏产业的年平均增长率超过30%。从长远看,光伏发电在不远的将来会占据世界能源消费的重要席位,不但要替代部分常规能源,而且将成为世界能源供应的主体。
 随着风电技术的日趋成熟,风力发电越来越受到世界各国青睐,全球风电已呈现出规模化发展态势。国际能源署(IEA)2008年颁布的《2050年能源技术情景》判断,2010-2050年间,全球风电平均每年增加7000万千瓦,风电将成为一个庞大的新兴电力市场。
 以科学发展观统揽全局,坚决贯彻兵装集团“211”发展战略和天威集团“155”发展战略,加快改革创新发展步伐,进一步优化经营业务结构,加大项目管控力度,增强产品履约和创利能力,促进企业持续协调发展,实现企业经营绩效的升位和企业品牌的升级,加快建设世界知名企业集团的进程。
 以精益生产和精益管理为中心,围绕生产过程,以针对各部门年内重点工作计划、管控、考核为手段,重点推进部门职责、流程、工作标准的精益化改造和提升工作,打造适应当前市场形势的先进制造模式和管理模式。
  "1025 investment plan during the" power
  On June 19, 2010 in China's energy research of China energy strategy and "1025" energy development in China's power, BBS engineering consultant group company general manager from 2005, WangJianPing said 2009, China's per capita electricity from 1888 KWH increased to 2730 KWH. By 2010, China's per capita electricity completely possible breakthrough 3000 mark according to the trend of kilowatt-hours per capita in 2015, estimated to breakthrough 4,000 KWH, power, according to a preliminary estimate, China 1025 "end" running a need to achieve mbm1260 million kilowatts, total installed power than the United States in the world, will be the first.
  The ministries will come low carbon relevant policy: 2010 in February 22, member of the CCCPC political bureau collective learning, President hu jintao pointed out, to perfect the industrial policy, the policy, the credit policy and fiscal policy, improve the investment climate change policy implementation of security measures.
  In recent 10 years global photovoltaic industry average annual growth rate of more than 30%. In the long run, photovoltaic power in the near future will occupy the energy consumption of important place, not only to replacing part of conventional energy, and will become the world's supply of energy of body.
  The wind technology matures, wind power generation by more and more popular all over the world, global wind has presented the large-scale development trend. The international energy agency (IEA) 2008 issued by 2050 scene of energy technology, 2010-2050, global average annual wind 7,000 million kilowatts, wind will become a huge emerging power market.
  With scientific development concept, resolutely implement her global army "211" pack group development strategy and tianwei group "155" development strategy, quicken the pace of reform and innovation, and further optimize business structure, strengthen project control, product performance and its ability to promote enterprise to develop harmoniously, the realization enterprise manages the performance of enterprises and brand numbering upgrade, speed up the construction of the world famous enterprise group.
  Lean production and lean management as the center, production process, with around for each department within the key work plan, control, and evaluation method, key departments for duty, process, the work of the lean standard work, transform and upgrade to the current market situation of advanced manufacturing mode and management mode.
  Focusing on "three years in the industry, establish advantage lay strong" goal in each work. Grasp the advantage, play advantage, self-producing stratagem, Yang optimal into a complete industrial chain, make full use of resources and tianwei reputation, new energy brand, create tianwei will change as the market competition ability, promote new energy products market share, And to standardize enterprise business flow, the realization enterprise lean manufacturing, and promote enterprise's core competitive ability.