早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
名字是IS the education is necessary?
我想做个立论是反方的(IS the education is not necessary).大约3分钟左右,
名字是IS the education is necessary?
我想做个立论是反方的(IS the education is not necessary).大约3分钟左右,
education is NOT necessary
as we all know,in the original society,mankind has no eductaion,they just do as they feel.this help to improve their intellegence and independent.actually ,eduction is harm to young people,the parents often told their children the experience they ever suffered and hope the children to do like themselve,but they didn't realize that the society had changed and their advice and experiece couldn't adapt to the new society,this can only mislead their children.
so,let the children alone and do according theire own thinking and feeling.
as we all know,in the original society,mankind has no eductaion,they just do as they feel.this help to improve their intellegence and independent.actually ,eduction is harm to young people,the parents often told their children the experience they ever suffered and hope the children to do like themselve,but they didn't realize that the society had changed and their advice and experiece couldn't adapt to the new society,this can only mislead their children.
so,let the children alone and do according theire own thinking and feeling.
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