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[1] Parents and educators battle over how much homework kids should have and how often they should have it. This past school year my eldest daughter's teacher did not assign too much homework and often gave the kids extra time during class to get it done. Meanwhile my daughter's dear friend — who attends the same school and is in the same grade — struggled nightly with her lengthy homework assignments. She had work to do every night extra projects to complete and assignments to complete over holiday break.
[2] So which was the lucky kid? Some might argue that my child was — she had more time to play and spent less time stressing over assignments. Others might feel that my child was missing out on a key element of her education by not having what she was learning during the school day reinforced.
[3] To be honest I'm not really sure which camp I'm in but it's debates like this one that have sparked a homework revolution between parents and schools all over the country. A New York Times article reported that the school district in Galloway N.J. is considering a proposal to limit weeknight homework to 10 minutes for each year of school — 20 minutes for second-graders 30 minutes for third-graders etc. — and ban assignments on weekends holidays and school vacations. The school district in Pleasanton Calif. is looking at a similar proposal. __________ other schools around the country are introducing homework-free holidays no-homework nights and goal-work — instead of homework — that can be completed throughout the school day.
[4] Most of these changes are in response to annoyed parents who see lengthy homework assignments competing with what little family time they have each day. The documentary "Race To Nowhere" spurred(激起)more debate by highlighting the unnecessary pressure on kids in today's educational system.
小题1:What is the text mainly about? (no more than 8 words)
小题2:What sparked a homework revolution among parents and schools all over the country according to Paragraph 3? (no more than 5 words)
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
小题4:What’s the parents’ attitude towards too much homework according to the last paragraph? (no more than 4 words)
小题5:What does the underlined word (Line 3 Paragraph 1) probably refer to? (no more than 3 words)
小题1:The homework revolution. 小题2:The amount of homework. 小题3:Meanwhile. / At the same time. 小题4:They are annoyed. 小题5: Homework.
分 析:
本文讲述的是在父母和老师之间存在的对于作业量的多少的讨论。小题1: The homework revolution. 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段Parents and educators battle over how much homework kids should have and how often they should have it.可知本文讨论的在父母和老师之间存在的对于作业量的多少的讨论。小题2:The amount of homework. 推理题。根据文章第三段To be honest I'm not really sure which camp I'm in but it's debates like this one that have sparked a homework revolution between parents and schools all over the country.可知作业量的多少引起了人们的广泛讨论。小题3: Meanwhile. / At the same time. 推理题。根据前后句The school district in Pleasanton Calif. is looking at a similar proposal.other schools around the country are introducing homework-free holidays no-homework nights and goal-work — instead of homework — that can be completed throughout the school day.可知这两件事情之间存在着并列的关系。故使用meanwhile。小题4: They are annoyed. 细节题。根据本段第一句Most of these changes are in response to annoyed parents who see lengthy homework assignments competing with what little family time they have each day.可知很多父母亲对于过多的家庭作业都很恼怒。小题5: Homework. 推理题。根据This past school year my eldest daughter's teacher did not assign too much homework and often gave the kids extra time during class to get it done.可知这里的it就是指上一句中的too much homework。

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