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相关单词:空座spare seat 日光浴sunbath
相关单词:空座spare seat 日光浴sunbath
Hi Jim:
We are planning on to drive to the beach on the weedends and we have an spare seat.Want to come with us if you have time?It would be so much fun and since we haven't been seeing each other a lot lately we really hope you can make it.This beach is really cool and I'm sure you have never been to it before.Me and Rose just found this place yesterday on a website.We can do sunbathing and seabathing there.Come and get tanned!So anyways,tell us if you want to come so we can arrange everything and get stuff ready.Really hope you can come!
Your Dearest Friends :Tom and Rose
June 1,2015
We are planning on to drive to the beach on the weedends and we have an spare seat.Want to come with us if you have time?It would be so much fun and since we haven't been seeing each other a lot lately we really hope you can make it.This beach is really cool and I'm sure you have never been to it before.Me and Rose just found this place yesterday on a website.We can do sunbathing and seabathing there.Come and get tanned!So anyways,tell us if you want to come so we can arrange everything and get stuff ready.Really hope you can come!
Your Dearest Friends :Tom and Rose
June 1,2015
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