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Dear editor,
I am writing this letter to apply rights to spread and translate the articles of “The Thain’s book”.【之前那一句是我自己加的……】As a big fan of the Mid-earth and J.R.R.Tolkien’s work from China,I am longing to learn deeply about the Mid-earth and contribute to spread it.For a long time,I have been admiring the
passion and professionalism of your website.Your wonderful works inspire me so I would very much like to join and offer my help.With my friends and colleagues,I plan to translate the entries,forms and pictures of your website into Chinese and establish a Chinese edition of “The Thain’s Book”,which,I believe,will
offer readers in China an approach to enjoying and admiring your wits and achievements.
I promise:all the articles will only be used for public welfare,not for
translators themselves.The website will be accessible freely for any who wish toread.The copyright will be respected and protected.The articles will not be distorted,tampered,or cut into pieces without permission.
We have learnt from Tolkein that even a small potato could make great
contributions.I hope I could manage this great task with my excellent group to
offer more imformation for Tolkien’s fans.Please consider my application.
If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contract me
Your sincerely,
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