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(一) 当前社会工作的现状
(一) 当前社会工作的现状
Social work in the modern sense began to appear in the late 19th early 20th century.First,the use in the United States and Germany,and gradually extended to almost all countries.Development of social work from around the world the current situation,after nearly a century of modern social work practice,its significance and role HAVE BEEN valued by the people.Its size,form and scope has made significant progress.The direction of its work has been greatly improved.It is in the ascendant,prosperity,to a higher stage of development of the situation.
(一)The current status of social work
Because each country's social background,economic conditions are different,of social work in different countries,development is uneven between the current status of social work are:
1、Macro and micro,global and local combined
Macro social work refers to the unified planning,unified arrangement,under the unified leadership in order to seek the welfare of all members of society,to lift people's suffering,disaster,and improving living standards,to meet the spiritual needs of the people carried out for the overall goal of the various social assistance,social welfare and social service activities,micro-social work is undertaken by social work functions of different types of social work,its scope limited to a particular area of work,a certain kind of object,many countries have noticed comprehensive development of social work,the establishment of comprehensive social security system an urgent need.
2、Positive and negative,the combination of prevention and treatment
The purpose of social work is to solve social problems.For social ills,social dislocation and other social issues to give containment,restraint and correction is necessary,but only the treatment,the negative side.The positive side of social work is to promote the healthy development of society,to enable society to meet the normal need to maximize social welfare policies of the increasingly sophisticated,long-term stability of social order,so that the social dislocation,loss of social pathological phenomena such as the soil grows .
3、Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis
As a prerequisite for social work is targeted to research on social issues,social survey made after the right conclusion in order to avoid blindness.Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of social work to the high efficiency,high-quality high-level development.
(一)The current status of social work
Because each country's social background,economic conditions are different,of social work in different countries,development is uneven between the current status of social work are:
1、Macro and micro,global and local combined
Macro social work refers to the unified planning,unified arrangement,under the unified leadership in order to seek the welfare of all members of society,to lift people's suffering,disaster,and improving living standards,to meet the spiritual needs of the people carried out for the overall goal of the various social assistance,social welfare and social service activities,micro-social work is undertaken by social work functions of different types of social work,its scope limited to a particular area of work,a certain kind of object,many countries have noticed comprehensive development of social work,the establishment of comprehensive social security system an urgent need.
2、Positive and negative,the combination of prevention and treatment
The purpose of social work is to solve social problems.For social ills,social dislocation and other social issues to give containment,restraint and correction is necessary,but only the treatment,the negative side.The positive side of social work is to promote the healthy development of society,to enable society to meet the normal need to maximize social welfare policies of the increasingly sophisticated,long-term stability of social order,so that the social dislocation,loss of social pathological phenomena such as the soil grows .
3、Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis
As a prerequisite for social work is targeted to research on social issues,social survey made after the right conclusion in order to avoid blindness.Qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis of social work to the high efficiency,high-quality high-level development.
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