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Say No to Plagiarism
Nowadays,there are a lot of people who copy from others with various ways in passage writing.Some people hold the view that it would save time to think about the passage and turn to do something which will extremely bring them honor and money.However,it is a bad behavior what those who have done so.
The plagiarism may cause several bad influences which will lead the whole society to a worse community.First of all,each individual who have copied from others do not have the ability of achieving a passage by himself/herself.Under such circumstance,the whole society's civilization will be from bad to worse.
As far as I'm concerned,to prevent plagiarism,the education department and the educational institutions should join hands to ban these phenomena by carrying out the efficient measures,such as using technology system to detection.Most importantly,it is self-control that can finally avoid the conditions.
Say No to Plagiarism
Nowadays,there are a lot of people who copy from others with various ways in passage writing.Some people hold the view that it would save time to think about the passage and turn to do something which will extremely bring them honor and money.However,it is a bad behavior what those who have done so.
The plagiarism may cause several bad influences which will lead the whole society to a worse community.First of all,each individual who have copied from others do not have the ability of achieving a passage by himself/herself.Under such circumstance,the whole society's civilization will be from bad to worse.
As far as I'm concerned,to prevent plagiarism,the education department and the educational institutions should join hands to ban these phenomena by carrying out the efficient measures,such as using technology system to detection.Most importantly,it is self-control that can finally avoid the conditions.
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