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高分求翻译(谢绝软件版)The take up of audit committees in local government within Wales was very slow at that time, especially as the reorganisation from dual to unitary structure was in its infancy for Welsh local government. By 2001 the state of play was altering, CIPFA/SOLACE published a framework that was referenced as a keystone for community governance that looked at local government aspects of corporate governance, CIPFA/SOLACE (2001). Research undertaken by Davies (2001) identified the changing face of internal audit as a result of new roles for internal audit in terms of risk management, a more consultative and assurance implied more interaction with the audit committee, which indicated a greater audit committee presence (Davies 2001, p. 78).
该采取行动的审计委员会在当地政府在威尔士是很慢在那个时候,特别是重组,以统一的双重结构,在婴儿期的威尔士地方政府。到2001年的状态发挥了改变, CIPFA /安慰发表了一个框架,是作为一个参考的基石社会治理看当地政府方面的公司治理, CIPFA /安慰( 2001年) 。研究开展戴维斯( 2001年)确定了变化的内部审计是由于新角色的内部审计在风险管理,更广泛协商和保证暗示更多的互动与审计委员会,这表明更大的审计委员会的存在(戴维斯2001年,第78页)