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Gold and silver originally being in lumps,nuggets and bars ,were in this manner weighted out in the making of payments for commercial transactions,but there being no certainty of purity of the metal,no convenience in size,the lumps being too large,necessity arose for smaller amounts and divisions,which were gradually made,vouched for,and a die stamp invented which was punched by hand on one side of the smaller lumps of gold and silver,thereby attesting to its purity and value,and so originated the first acts of coinage.
1、there being no certainty of purity of the metal,no convenience in size 在这句中是什么结构或语法现象
2、necessity arose for smaller amounts and divisions呢
3、vouched for,and a die stamp ....这句话中 for 和and 之间的“,”有什么语法含义
4、and so originated the first acts of coinage中 acts怎么理解
5、这句话的宾语部分 是/?(是in this manner weighted out in the making of payments for commercial transactions这句话吗,但介词短语是不可做宾语的呀)
  • 推荐答案(大家谋幸福)的最大缺点,就是避重就轻,且没说明白.

  • 首先明确,这是一段话,不是一句话.区别是,这不是一个长句子,而是很多个句子.比较坑爹的是原文的混乱,标点符号全是逗号,相当坑爹.

  • Gold and silver originally  being in lumps,nuggets and bars ,were in this manner weighted out in the making of payments for commercial transactions,这是第一个分句,主干很明白,gold and sivler weighed(原文有误) out……   being结构是非谓语,表示主语的状态.

  • but there being no certainty of purity of the metal,no convenience in size,the lumps being too large,necessity  arose for smaller amounts and divisions,which were gradually made,vouched for,这是第二个分句,主干为necessity arose for smaller amounts and divisions.而“which were gradually made, vouche for”是定语从句,修饰前面的"amounts and divisions". there being结构是独立主格,“the lumps being too large”也是如此.

  • and a die stamp invented  which was punched by hand on one side of the smaller lumps of gold and silver,thereby attesting to its purity and value,这是一个分句,主干a die stamp invented……其后是which引导的宾语从句,“thereby attesting to its purity and value”是结果状语.

  • and so originated the first acts of coinage.至于这一句,我没有发现其语法作用,不能理解 为什么是originated,怀疑是原文讹误,直接和上一句合并为“thereby attesting to its purity and value and originating the first acts of coinage”不好么.

  • acts据句意推测,应是“……的活动/行为”,acts of coinage就是【铸币活动/行为】



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