早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
请英语高手帮我写一篇英语稿子 主题是I have a dream (不能是马丁路德金的演讲,可以形式相同,但内容要不同,演讲时间大约在3分钟左右)我参加英语口语比赛用 时间越快越好
请英语高手帮我写一篇英语稿子 主题是I have a dream (不能是马丁路德金的演讲,可以形式相同,但内容要不同,演讲时间大约在3分钟左右)我参加英语口语比赛用 时间越快越好
I have a dream
When I was small,
I loved to gaze at the blue sky.Waiting for my favorite cloud,With special thought flying high.It's like the white-blue Atlantic ocean,flowing upside-down into the far unseen land.
I was dreaming of happiness and shone like the bight sun up in the blue sky.
As I started steping to the gate of school,gradually i started staring into the mysterious night,feeling the sad moon light touching my face,blinking with the silver stars decorating the black,and the beautiful darkness in front of my eyes.Being an explorer of the dark came quickly to my mind.
Then I was grown to maturity,facing and challenging much more difficulty.I still wonder the night and the moon shining.
My life is changing,but my dream is all about the moon--a huge glowing yellow pan full of discoveries and knowledge.
And always,I think most of the stars at night,they shine in the night sky enchantingly.
i want to be like the moon and the stars in the dark sky
--Use my own light to warm up the world!
我是国际学校的 所以 完全可信!(讲英语的)
你可以自己改改 上这个网站上去看看
When I was small,
I loved to gaze at the blue sky.Waiting for my favorite cloud,With special thought flying high.It's like the white-blue Atlantic ocean,flowing upside-down into the far unseen land.
I was dreaming of happiness and shone like the bight sun up in the blue sky.
As I started steping to the gate of school,gradually i started staring into the mysterious night,feeling the sad moon light touching my face,blinking with the silver stars decorating the black,and the beautiful darkness in front of my eyes.Being an explorer of the dark came quickly to my mind.
Then I was grown to maturity,facing and challenging much more difficulty.I still wonder the night and the moon shining.
My life is changing,but my dream is all about the moon--a huge glowing yellow pan full of discoveries and knowledge.
And always,I think most of the stars at night,they shine in the night sky enchantingly.
i want to be like the moon and the stars in the dark sky
--Use my own light to warm up the world!
我是国际学校的 所以 完全可信!(讲英语的)
你可以自己改改 上这个网站上去看看
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