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Mongolian---An Ethnic Group Living in the Grassland
---Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Foundation of Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region,China
Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region was founded on May 1,1947,which is the first autonomous region in China and the main area inhabited by Chinese Mongolians.2007 is the 60th anniversary of the foundation of Inner Mongolia.
Living in northern China,Mongolian ethnic group (one of China’s minorities) is an old nomad with bold,unconstrained,strong and hospitable characteristics.“Mon-gol” means “eternal flame”,and it is known as “the horseback people” because they had relied on animal husbandry in their history.Inner Mongolian Autonomous Region has an area of 1.183 million kilometers which accounts for 12.3% of China’s total area.Inner Mongolia borders Mongolia and Russia to the north with a 4,221-kilometer long frontier.There are as many as 49 ethnic groups live in Inner Mongolia with a total population of 23,843,500 to the end of 2004,among which Mongolian people is over 4.8 million.The capital of Inner Mongolia is Hohhot.

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