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Once a wicked wizard(邪恶的巫师)was on a visit to a city and stole the tongues(舌头)from the sleeping people and cast a spell(施一个咒语)on them. The spell meant that these tongues could only say bad things about people. Then the wizard returned these tongues to their owners. In very little time that city was filled with the sound of people saying bad things about each other.

  On seeing all this the good wizard decided to do something. She cast a spell on the ears of the city people. Under this spell no matter when the ears heard people saying bad things they would close up so that nothing could be heard. Later the tongues started to feel completely useless. When they realized this they began to change by saying good things to each other.

  Until today the wicked wizard goes on casting the spell on tongues all over the world. But thanks to the good wizard now people all realize that the best way to end something bad is to pay no attention to it.

Fill in the blanks according to the passage .Only one word for each blank.

Long ago a wicked wizard    (1)    a city and stole the tongues from the sleeping people and cast a spell on them. The spell meant that these tongues could only say bad things about people. Then the wizard returned these tongues to their owners. In very little time that city was    (2)   of the sound of people saying bad things about each other. A good wizard knew this and she cast a spell on the ears of the city people. Under this spell    (3)   the ears heard people saying bad things they would close up and nothing could be heard.

Until today the wicked wizard    (4)   casting the spell on tongues throughout the world. But because of the good wizard now    (5)    realizes that the best way to end something bad is to pay no attention to it.

1            2           3          4           5          

1. visited    2. full   3. whenever   4. continues / keeps   5. everyone

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